Superglass Make is a Magic spell that turns Seaweed, Giant Seaweed, Sand, Swamp weed, or Soda Ash into Molten Glass, and that too without the help from a Furnace. During the process, Buckets of Sand are entirely consumed, so returning Empty Buckets is out of the question. Since the spell provides a 30% bonus yield, you will receive 1.3 Molten Glass with every pair of raw materials on average, or 9.6 Molten Glass if you are utilizing Giant Seaweed. Apart from the Magic experience that it offers, you are also provided with a crafting experience of 10 per Buck of Sand. Like every other Lunar Spell, Superglass Make also requires you to complete the Lunar Diplomacy quest to cast it.
In-Depth Knowledge
If you have a good concentration level, and if your timings are perfect, then you can expect about 50,000 Crafting and 30,000 Magic experience every hour. Although it is possible that you can gain over 90K Crafting and 60k Magic per hour if you’re good with your clicks. You are recommended to have a Smoke Battle Staff or a Tome of Fire and Staff of Air for unlimited Fire & Air rune supply. It also saves plenty of inventory spaces.
If you are using Seaweed, along with a Smoke Battle Staff, or something equivalent, then you will obtain a profit of 906.4 GP every cast (Inventory: 13 Seaweed and 14 Buckets of Sand). If you are using Swamp Weed, then you will get a loss of 835.6 GP per cast (Inventory: 13 Swamp Weed and 13 Buckets of Sand). However, if you are using Giant Seaweed, then you will obtain a profit of 1,628.8 GP every cast (Inventory: 3 Seaweed and 18 Buckets of Sand). Also, if the Molten Glass goes over 28 inventory slots, it will be dropped on the ground for you to pick up once you complete a run. If you choose not to pick the dropped Molten Glass, then the profit will be decreased to 1,342.6 GP per cast.
Casting Superglass Make spell with Giant Seaweed is quite a popular method among the Ironmen. The reason behind that is it helps gain Crafting experience and materials, as both; Buckets of Sand and Giant Seaweed can easily be collected in large quantities.
Comparison: Molten Glass Yield & Experience
When you use Soda Ash and Buckets of Sand on a Furnace; the Molten Glass yield is 1.0, and if you use Superglass Make with Soda Ash and Buckets of Sand; the Molten Glass yield is 1.3. In a similar manner, when Giant Seaweeds are used on a fire, you obtain six Soda Ashes (if successfully cooked). However, in the case of Normal Seaweed, the ash obtained is one. But there are chances of failure, which would result in only one Soda Ash (in terms of Giant Seaweed). Also, Cooking Gauntlets don’t provide any benefits so it’s pointless to use them, but you can always make use of the effects provided by the cooking range in the Hosidius Kitchen.
When used together with the Superglass Make spell, Giant Seaweed acts as six regular Seaweed and offers 60 Crafting XP per cast. The combination of 2 Giant Seaweeds and 12 Buckets of Sand yield an average of 1.45 Molten Glass per bucket, whereas, the combination of 3 Giant Seaweeds and 18 Buckets of sand yield an average of 1.60 Molten Glass per bucket (but some Molten Glasses might end up falling on the ground due to fewer inventory spaces). In case you ignore the fallen Molten Glass pieces, then the average will drop down to 1.488 per bucket. Also, not picking up them will result in a higher rate of production, at a higher cost of materials. Since using 3 Giant Seaweed and 18 Buckets of Sand results in a higher yield, as well as the rate of production, the 2 Giant Seaweeds and 13 Buckets of Sand combination are not recommended.
It should also be brought to light that the Craft XP per Giant Seaweed, as well as the rate of glass production, varies. For instance, if the average is 1.45 Molten Glass per Bucket of Sand, then each Giant Seaweed will equal to 538.5 XP when making Lantern Lenses, or 669 XP when making Empty Light Orbs, thus, resulting in a production rate of 10,000 Molten Glasses per hour. Similarly, if the average is 1.488 Molten Glass per Bucket of Sand, then each Giant Seaweed will equal 551 XP when making Lantern Lenses, or 685 XP when making Empty Light Orbs, thus, resulting in a production rate of 16,000 Molten Glasses per hour. And, if the average is 1.6 Molten Glass per Bucket of Sand, then each Giant Seaweed will equal to 588 XP when making Lantern Lenses, or 732 XP when making Empty Light Orbs, thus, resulting in a production rate of 13,500 Molten Glasses per hour.
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