The News from Paterson, New Jersey (2024)

WEDNESDAY, JULY 111984 The News, North Jersey ,0 The Last Pago Very warm, humid today; sunny, breezy tomorrow NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE FORECAST to 7 PM EST 7-11-84 30.00 SEATl i 1 rw Today will be partly cloudy, hazy, jvery warm and humid, with thunder-. storms developing towards evening, highs in the mid 80s to around 90. Winds today will be from the southwest at 10 to 15 mph. Considerable cloudiness tonight with occasional showers and thunderstorms, lows in the low 70s. Tomorrow becoming sunny, breezy and much less humid, highs in the mid 80s.

Meanwhile, in the rest of the nation, record 81 mph winds screamed through the Midwest during violent thunder balls and 81 mph winds raced through Wisconsin. An 81 mph gust at Milwaukee's airport damaged four small planes and was the highest wind ever recorded in the city in July. The highest wind ever recorded was a 90 mph gust May 5, 1950. "Lot of trees, wires and poles down," Lisa Berman, Wisconsin Electric Power Co. spokeswoman, said.

"It's complicating our cleanup efforts considerably with so many down. Crews from all our other districts are coming to help out. We're aiming to get most of the service back by tonight but even at that it may be sometime tomorrow before all power is restored. It's the worst storm we can remember in this area." Fifty-thousand people, most of them on the city's south side, were without power. High winds knocked down trees and power lines and destroyed farm buildings at Palmyra, and baseball- If 1 A 7 ff MINNEAP0LISTr7 jA OSTOM rWw) I Qjg.

CHICAGO SAffFRANOSCOS DENVER ST. LOUISxCl-i TEMPERATURES Yi ySECj ORLEANS xSrtly LEGEND -i storms packing baseball-sized hail and blinding rain yesterday, knocking out power to 50,000 people. A tornado damaged farm buildings in Nebraska, Firefighters battled blazes scorching 30,000 acres of brush and timber in the West. Storms and wind-whipped fires I were blamed indirectly for at least three deaths Monday, i Blinding rain, hail as large as base- vv i I rn til. rn Ain FLOW l.

i if I aiiaiiipxa 100 SHOWERS VI II UPI WEATHER FOTOCAST Poconosi72 VS Vernon: 73 fit -5 Peterson: 82 Xo fl1 ra? Newark: 81 4 New Brunswick: 78 4 i 0 Trenton: 77 Atlantic City: 73 H( 1 sized hail pounded Galesville. Two sailors pulled their boat from a Minnesota lake when a storm hit and were trying to load the craft onto a trailer when a gust blew the boat across a road. One sailor was electrocuted and his companion injured when the mast touched a power line as the men tried to capture the boat. Two firefighters called to work on their day off to battle an Oregon brush fire on very steep terrain died when their truck plunged down a 30-foot embankment. The was later contained.

Authorities in New Orleans said a 14-year-old boy who suffered heat stroke during a high school football team tryoutdied. The National Weather Service said a tornado just before midnight Monday at Johnstown in north central Nebraska shifted, a granary a quarter mife. High and low temperatures around the nation yesterday .10 Hi Lo Pep Oklahoma City pc .04 93 72 91 67 64 56 88 61 92 72 78 63 85 55 94 70 86 57 88 50 Omaha pc Orlando pc Philadelphia pc Phoenix sy Pittsburgh ts J)4 Portland Me. pc Portland Ore. sy "improvidence sh St.

Louis ts SaltLakeCity sy San Diego San Francisco sy San Juan sh 77 58 .56 99 75 86 76 .02 90 74 76 62 .28 108 87 82 63 .76 73 57 79 54 79 61 .08 97 82 87 56 85 73 71 52 90 74 72 51 84 51 78 51 93 73 .05 98 78 80 68 .11 104 76 City Fcst Albuquerque pc Amarillo pc Anchorage Asheville sy Atlanta sy Baltimore sy Billings sy Birmingham pc Bismarck pc Boise sy Boston sh Brownsville pc Buffalo ts Burlington ts Charleston SC pc Charlotte NC sy Chicago pc Cincinnati ts Cleveland ts Columbus ts Dallas pc Denver sy 91 73 93 67 82 58 100 73 83 53 84 47 80 73- 89 76 93 77 95 72 90 70 94 77 104 79 95. 75 95 71 94 78 95 79 95 79 80 70 76 67 94 70 89 71 78 65 Des Moines pc Detroit ts Duluth cy El Paso pc Hartford sh Helena sy Honolulu pc Houston pc Indianapolis ts Jackson Miss, pc Jacksonville Kansas City pc Las Vegas sy Little Rock pc Los Angeles Louisville pc Memphis sy Miami Beach pc Milwaukee pc Minneapolis sh Nashville sy New Orleans pc New York pc Key: clear cl clearing cy cloudy f-fair fg-foggy hz haze missing pc partly cloudy rain sh showers sm smoke sn snow sy sunny ts thunderstorms windy 01 94 77 79 66 .05 For up-to-the-minute weather information, call New Jersey weather at 976-1212 or the National Weather Service (Newark Airport) at 624-8118. 82 57 88 72 92 68 "9972 92 73 90 68 93 69 98 78 81 58 .06 .94 1.15 Seattle pc Spokane sy Syracuse ts Tampa pc Tulsa pc Washington sy Wichita pc- Yesterday's high temperatures in New Jersey CHARGES SEARCH Continued from Pogel Continued from Pog 1 However, the possibility of abduction is not ruled out, he said, adding police are questioning neighbors in the Madison Avenue and Pennington Park areas for possible clues. Police also led a second witness through the McBride Avenue park to refresh her memory about Sunday afternoon, when the witness claims she saw McCray leave the park with a beavyset black woman. He said authorities are not placing much stock in the story because it's difficult to remember "what's common," such as the description of a girl and a heavyset woman walking in a park.

Following the first incident, Ciric, who was charged with aggravated assault and resisting arrest, filed assault charges against Jadlos and Patrolman William Maher. Ciric said Maher was one of "five or six" cops who arrived on the scene in two patrol cars when the scuffle between him and Jadlos spilled onto the street. Ciric claims all the police on hand helped Jadlos assault him in that episode, but said he was able to discern only Maher's badge. Mayor Graves said yesterday he has instructed the Police Department to "give extra attention" to the family's safety. Meanwhile, both cases are scheduled to be heard later this month in Municipal Court.

The frantic river probe for McCray described as "obedient," "friendly," and "smart" by her relatives was aided by state and county police, as well as citizens, who kept watch with binoculars from the shore. Authorities also scanned the Great Falls yesterday in case the body travels over the chasm. Police are concentrating on the river, Giardino said, because the drowning theory seems most viable. Also pointing to the river is the testimony of a 4-year-old girl who described what may have been a child drowning at the park. Matt Cavaliere, an attorney with DeMarco's firm, said Patrolman Jadlos' claim Ciric and Bakovic armed Is an attempt to cover his guilt.

"That's the only excuse a cop would have for firing his weapon, especially if he's off duty," Cavaliere said. "I wouldn't be surprised if he said they (Ciric and Bakovic) had a he said. Jadlos was off duty in both instances during which brutality is alleged. The 37-year-old patrolman could not be reached for comment yesterday. His attorney, Reddin, said be has advised his client not to comment until investigations are completed.

During the latest Incident, Jadlos is alleged to have fired the shot at Bakovic outside La Vie En Rose bar at 108 Market St. Both Ciric and Bakovic said they had not provoked the officer verbally or physically while they waited under the awning of the bar for the torrential rains to subside after closing time last Saturday morning. Reddin, Patrolman' Jadlos' attorney, said an investigation will show his client was provoked and "acted reasonably under the circ*mstances." When police arrived on the scene, both Ciric and Bakovic were arrested and charged with assaulting Jadlos, Ciric said. The two men were handcuffed and put in the squad car, Ciric said. Then, Ciric said, Jadlos began hitting him while he was getting In the car.

Two officers, who arrived in a back-up squad car, restrained Jadlos, Ciric said. A source privy to the internal BENEFITS Continued from Pago 1 investigation said the officer was involved In altercations with fellow police officers during the arrests of the two young men. According to Ciric, the brutality continued after he was brought to Paterson police headquarters at 3 a.m. last Saturday. "As soon as we got in the police station, Jadlos started coming at me," Ciric said yesterday.

Ciric said he was knocked to the ground by Jadlos, who kicked him in the head. Bakovic said that when he arrived at the police station, he found his friend on the floor, bleeding. He also alleged he heard the officer threaten Ciric and his family. Police again brought Ciric to the emergency room at St. Joseph's last Saturday morning, where he received stitches near the crown of his head.

They then returned to the station. According to Clric, Jadlos asked for his address and threatened to "get" him, his mother, father, and sister. Yesterday, In the back yard of the Cirics' Mill Street home, the young men recalled both incidents. Ciric's family all Interviewed by The News appeared shaken. Ciric's sister, Nina, showed color snapshots she said were taken shortly after her brother was released from Jail after the June 8 incident.

In the photos, the young man's left eye is bloodied and bruised, the area around it swollen. Seven stitches mend a large gash in his swollen lip. His arms are bruised and scarred. "They could have killed him," Nina Ciric sgld, shaking her head. where the June 8 Incident occurred.

Jadlos, who was off duty last Saturday, was suspended without pay later Saturday, pending an internal police investigation of the incident. The department conducted 68 internal investigations last year more than one each week of citizens' complaints of police brutality. The issue of police brutality was thrust into the headlines June 19 after the release of a voluminous report compiled by a team of outside law-enforcement officials that found serious concerns existed in the community. Police department officials have pledged to meet with citizens' groups to discuss their concerns. Meanwhile, Ciric and Bakovic have filed charges against Patrolman Jadlos in Paterson Municipal Court and have asked the Passaic County Prosecutor's Office to become Involved.

Police Chief James Hannan would not comment yesterday on the case. Mayor Frank X. Graves Jr. said, "He (the police officer) better have a damn good reason why he fired a shot at all." Patrolman Jadlos' attorney, Raymond Reddin of Paterson, said yesterday his client was provoked into firing the shot that early Saturday morning. "Like all people," Reddin said, "he (Jadlos) has a right to act in self-defense." Clric and Bakovic, represented by Totowa attorney William De-Marco, deny the officer's contention they were armed.

Police said they found no weapons on the men or at the scene. 3 She also said a gfolice of the class-action decision should be attached to Social Security checks notifying affected recipients of their option to Join the suit. The Judge also termed "frivolous" the government's argument by Assistant U.S. Attorney Bette Uhrmacher that the request for a class-action suit be denied because people are "already in court" and "already being represented." She said it was up to the federal government and Congress to strengthen the formula under which disability benefits are terminated in the future. Barry also chlded the department for failing to provide accu people who had lost challenges and taken their appeals to federal court.

Citing the "enormous magnitude" of the case, Barry ruled recipients who took their fight to federal court could not be penalized "because they have exercised a fundamental right. "These are desperate people," the Judge stated. "They are not looking for $1 million" or "the proverbial pot of gold, but barely the minimal." Barry also based a portion of her decision on the high rate of reversals in federal court, noting that an estimated 60 percent of the decisions of administrative-law Judges upholding the cutoffs are overturned or sent back for reconsideration. rate figures on how many recipients would be affected by her decision and ordered a exact figure be provided to the court within 10 days. The case was brought on behalf of Gale Tustin of New Brunswick and Milton Ruiz and Ismael Soto of Perth Amboy.

Their attorney, Kevin Kovacs, argued that "(Mrs. Heckler) Is wrong to shift the burden onto the Judiciary. The best way would be to certify the class suit." Jim Brown, a spokesman for the Social Security administration in Washington, refused comment until officials see the Judge's written order, which is expected tomorrow. mm wAllroad I 4 Rib TrMd MASTERCARESERVICE STANDARD SERVICE 30" 185B0R13 Blackwall ill IS I FkntoiM Lube, oil niter Air CoodJtfcnbig Sarvk 95 13 IX I Mkt car phaa Ommm. MMta Mai HgM Mttw am mIcmm.

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The News from Paterson, New Jersey (2024)
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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.